How to render JOB response on webserver
Hello all
I am using Dataclay que apis for video editing .I am able to post job successfully with all video parameters using Dataclay api but I am stuck how can I render JOB response(aep file with new parameters) on my website i.e edited video.I have checked Youtube videos to render edited video but in all videos they put Job response in Templater tool but I need output as mp4 file.Please guide me.Thanks in advance. -
Thanks for getting in touch with us. I’m not sure if I entirely understand the question, but if it’s just a matter of rendering videos in an .mp4 format, I can address that.
After Effects doesn’t natively have the capability of rendering video files in an .mp4 format, that being said, there are a few ways to achieve this result. First, you can replicate versioned Templater files to an Adobe Media Encoder Watch Folder. You can find more information about setting that up in this article.
For a more granular level of control over the output process, you could also use an Event Script to pass the video output to a transcoder like ffmpeg to convert the output into an .mp4 file. This requires a bit more setup but can give you a greater level of control over the process. We have a basic script that can be used as a starting place for this process here on our Github page.
Finally, you could use a third-party plugin like AfterCodecs to add the ability to render .mp4 files directly from After Effects. Hopefully, one of those suggestions will help get you started but if you have any other questions, please just let us know.
@jeff Thanks for reply.I have one concern as I am not using Templater bot tool still can I use Event script for given JOB response?
Event Scripts are only available with a Templater Bot subscription. For Templater Pro and Templater Rig, our options are going to be limited to using Adobe Media Encoder or a third-party plugin. It might be possible to implement some sort of independent solution to run ffmpeg after the render is completed, but without Event Script compatibility, it would be running independently of Templater.
@jeff okay thanks
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